Ooh, sounds cool, what is it?
A week ago I attended a forum at the University of Michigan
on the question of whether it makes sense to establish a Detroit School of
urban studies. First of all, that’s pretty damn fancy. Second, everybody in that
room was geeking out over cities, which I found delightful.
photo by Carolyn Lusch--that's me |
One panel member made the theoretical case for the new
School—planning has traditionally been seen as managing growth, but Detroit is
not growing. How does one use planning to manage shrinking or decline?
Another panelist added that Detroit is not on a path of returning
the past; rather, the creation of something completely new. We all know that manufacturing
in Detroit will never be what it was. Thus, revitalizing
is not an appropriate word.
Ok, I’m with you for all that.
But what about…?